The Fellowship is pleased to present our preview of the summer movie season. So many movies, so many different genres, and we talk about, well, a lot of them. Some we want to see, and a few we don't. And as always, our picks of the week.
What we're up to this week:
Thomas' Big Bag o' Nothing™ - working a lot
Getting my kid hooked on Weird Al
One of us went to C2E2 and had a blast - schmoozing with comics people, getting autographs, getting the con crud, and a string of name dropping :-)
Check out our sponsor page! Head to the website and click on the banners for Things From Another World and Make Mine Indie! (Click through the TFAW banner on our site and we get a cut. And check out tons of great indie comics in the MMIndie catalog. And thank you!)
We're using the summer movie list at with a few references to IMDB's list
[Note: music for The LEGO Batman Movie was by Lorne Balfe. -m]
[Note: I could not have been more wrong about Annabelle (2014). It did just fine. -m]
Picks for the week of 5/3:
James Bond: Hammerhead hardcover trade (Dynamite)
Courier #2 (Zenescope)
Medisin #1 (Action Lab Danger Zone)
Several Image First titles coming out this week - $1 copies of first issues of Image titles from the recent past
Lilith Dark #1 (Alterna)
Youngblood #1 (Image)
Honorable Mention: Bloodshot Reborn #0 second printing (Valiant)
Honorable Mention: Gladstone's School for World Conquerors hardcover trades (now an Image title)
Honorable Mention: Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection: Goblin's Last Stand (Marvel)
Thanks to Les for being here even though he's sick :-)
Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other
You, dear listeners! Thanks for listening, and if you haven't yet, subscribe so you won't miss next week's exciting episode :-)
Question of the Week: which summer movie are you dying to see? Let us know on social media! Alternately, let us know if you've ever been in a Turkish prison!
To find us, go to:
Email us at
Twitter - @FellowshipGeeks, @MikeyGeek, @TomTCGeek
The Fellowship is pleased to present our discussion of the idea that Wonder Woman could supplant Batman as the "money" character for DC, both in film and in comics. We go into how feasible it might be from a few different angles, a bit on how it could be done, and a couple of sidetracks on Batman and others. And as always, our picks of the week.
What we're up to this week:
Monty Python Speaks - hadn't actually read this before
Les' Big Bag o' Nothing™ - a quiet week
1050 Years in the Future - Legion of Super Heroes 50th anniversary trade (2008), in anticipation of new LSH coming soon?
Check out our sponsor page! Head to the website and click on the banners for Things From Another World and Make Mine Indie! (Click through the TFAW banner on our site and we get a cut. And check out tons of great indie comics in the MMIndie catalog. And thank you!)
[Note: The Dark Knight was 2008; not sure what the hell I was thinking :-) -m]
The promised Comichron link (comparing sales numbers) is here
And yes, Geoff Johns, we're serious about you coming on the show to discuss these ideas ;-)
Picks for the week of 4/26:
No World #1 (Aspen Comics)
Underdog #1 (American Mythology)
The Black Monday Murders #5 (Image Comics)
24 Legacy: Rules of Engagement #1 (IDW Publishing)
Night Owl Society #1 (IDW Publishing)
Real Science Adventures #1 (IDW Publishing) [Robo!]
Honorable Mention: Star Hawks volume 1 hardcover (IDW Publishing)
Honorable Mention: Young Justice Book 1 trade (DC Comics)
Honorable Mention: the last of the Life And Death series - this one is a Prometheus one-shot (Dark Horse Comics)
Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other
You, dear listeners! Thanks for listening, and if you haven't yet, subscribe so you won't miss next week's exciting episode :-)
Question of the Week: are you ready for Wonder Woman to be the face of DC? Let us know on social media!
To find us, go to:
Email us at
Twitter - @FellowshipGeeks, @MikeyGeek, @TomTCGeek
The Fellowship is pleased to present our discussion, assisted by artist/podcaster Eddie Medina, of comics crossovers with toys. This was big in the '80s, so we get a bit nostalgic at times. But we got a few new ones in too, not to mention a couple of tangents. And as always, our picks of the week.
What we're up to this week:
Catching up on Knights of the Dinner Table and finding in it the Evil Overlord List
Will Save the Galaxy for Food, The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains, and The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical
Finished up the art for Kingdom Comics Presents #4 - the Sir Caliburn story
Also reading Sgt Fury Essentials volume 1
Starting to write a new story - ideas come, but the writing part is hard (podcasts as a block breaker?)
Check out our sponsor page! Head to the website and click on the banners for Things From Another World and Make Mine Indie! (Click through the TFAW banner on our site and we get a cut. And check out tons of great indie comics in the MMIndie catalog. And thank you!)
List of toys that spawned comics (or vice versa):
GI Joe
Shogun Warriors
Dungeons & Dragons (more game than toy, but lots of comics came from it)
Atari Force
Masters of the Universe
ROM Space Knight
Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars (it really was based on the toy line)
Ninjago (a Lego property that put out a series of mini graphic novels and other early reader books)
Twisted ToyFare Theater (from the page of ToyFare magazine - fumetti style comics, which is word balloons over photos of toys)
[Note: on the Robot Chicken DC Special tangent, there are three specials. -m]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Picks for the week of 4/19:
Namwolf #1
Dead Inside #5
Failsafe #1
World Reader #1
Royal City #2
Spirit Hunters #6
Honorable Mention: Resident Alien: The Man With No Name trade
Honorable Mention: The Greatest Adventure #1
Thanks, Eddie, for hanging out with us - check out his podcast The Rantcor Pit on the Jedi Cole feed
Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other
You, dear listeners! Thanks for listening, and if you haven't yet, subscribe so you won't miss next week's exciting episode :-)
Question of the Week: any other toys/comics that you enjoyed as a kid? Let us know on social media!
To find us, go to:
Email us at
Twitter - @FellowshipGeeks, @MikeyGeek, @TomTCGeek
The Fellowship is pleased to present our conversation with writer Cullen Bunn. His new Image book Regression (with Danny Luckert) comes out on May 10th, and it's a good one in our humble opinions. We also pick his brain about several of his other projects, be they comics, movie or TV show. And as always, our picks of the week.
What we're up to this week:
Batman The Animated Series - watching through the series for the first time; very cool how subtle the series can be
Dallas Fan Expo - good show; John Barrowman was an especially good con guest (very fan friendly and engaging)
X-Men Epic Collection: Second Genesis
Check out our sponsor page! Head to the website and click on the banners for Things From Another World and Make Mine Indie! (Click through the TFAW banner on our site and we get a cut. And check out tons of great indie comics in the MMIndie catalog. And thank you!)
Many thanks to Cullen Bunn for joining us this week
Track him down on Twitter @CullenBunn
Or on Facebook - Cullen Bunn
Or his website
Some of the titles we talked about:
Regression - again, May 10th
Harrow County
The Empty Man
X-Men Blue
Monsters Unleashed
Conan the Slayer
[Dude has written a TON of books, right? And this doesn't even scratch the surface. -m]
Picks for the week of 4/12:
Seven to Eternity #5
SuperMansion #2
X-Men Blue #1
Sky Doll: Sudra #2
AmeriKarate #2
Immortal Brothers: The Tale of the Green Knight
Honorable Mention: Harrow County #22 [Note: Volume 4 was released in February. -m]
Honorable Mention: Batman '66 Meets the Man From U.N.C.L.E. trade
Honorable Mention: Legionnaires Book 1
Thanks again to Cullen for joining us
Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other
You, dear listeners! Thanks for listening, and if you haven't yet, subscribe so you won't miss next week's exciting episode :-)
Question of the Week: are you creeped out by bugs, in comics or otherwise? Let us know on social media! [Note: the "bug guy" in Creepshow was E.G. Marshall. -m]
To find us, go to:
Email us at
Twitter - @FellowshipGeeks, @MikeyGeek, @TomTCGeek
The Fellowship is pleased to present our Q&A episode, where we answer questions from you, dear listener. The questions for this show involve our "desert island" movie and how we would have handled the Star Wars prequels. Also, more tangents than a trig textbook. And as always, our picks of the week.
What we're up to this week:
The Secret Life of Brian - Python documentary I found on YouTube [Note: it was a TV doc from 2007. -m]
TV shows: Ghost Brothers, 3 African-American guys investigating haunted locations, and Cosplay Melee, a cosplay version of Face Off
Double Take comics - a defunct publisher who did some daring stuff with Night of the Living Dead tie-ins (not exactly a must-read) [Yes, it was 1968. The remake, not mentioned here, was 1990. -m]
Check out our sponsor page! Head to the website and click on the banners for Things From Another World and Make Mine Indie! (Click through the TFAW banner on our site and we get a cut. And check out tons of great indie comics in the MMIndie catalog. And thank you!)
Many thanks to Crazy Town Podcast @TheCrazyTownPod and Troy Rogers for supplying the questions!
[And apologies for the rantiness that ensues. -m]
Picks for the week of 4/5:
The Sovereigns #0
Mighty Man one-shot
Faith #10
Courier #1
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Ghost Stories #1
Grimm Tales of Terror April Fools' Special
Honorable Mention: Rock Candy Mountain #1
Honorable Mention: Brave Chef Brianna #2
Honorable Mention: World War Tank Girl #1
Manny the Martyr - thanks for letting us use your music
#PodernFamily - an awesome group of indie podcasters supporting each other
You, dear listeners! Thanks for listening, and if you haven't yet, subscribe so you won't miss next week's exciting episode :-)
Question of the Week: what questions do you have for us? Let us know on social media!
To find us, go to:
Email us at
Twitter - @FellowshipGeeks, @MikeyGeek, @TomTCGeek